
1OCEAN’s venture into marine education arose from our desire to share knowledge about the mesmerizing marine world to people across India. Recognizing the limited perspective often confined to the ocean surface’s endless blue, our mission is to educate people about the profound roles and hidden narratives beneath the waves. 

Through the lens of 1OCEAN education, our aim is not just to educate, but to inspire a collective understanding and appreciation for people to take action for the intricate web of life below the blue surface. We believe in the transformative power of knowledge and seek to unravel the mysteries of the ocean’s biodiversity along with showcasing its extraordinary contributions to keeping us humans and the planet healthy, the fisher folk and their interdependence with the ocean, the threats the ocean are facing and many more tales that are waiting to be told. 

Our network is a collaborative space, welcoming all individuals passionate about marine education. In building this community, we rely on the co-design and validation of scientists, educators, fisher folk community who champion the cause, ensuring that our work brings about meaningful change in the perception of the marine world. Join us on this journey of discovery and growth as we dive into the depths, revealing the wonders that lie beneath the surface of the sea.